Help explain. And what is the output of this code.
if not true: print (1) elif not (1+1==3) print ("2") else print ("3"). in line 1. what is not true to print 1
3 Antworten
+ 5
print(1) executes only if the condition is true, "not true" means false so it moves to next condition, 1+1==3 returns false because 1+1==2 but the not in front of it reverses it to true thus print("2") gets executed, third statement is skipped because one condition was satisfied.
+ 3
The result of a condition is false or true.
Obviously, "false" and "true" are the keywords to say false or true :P
Well, you don't have to read "if not true" as human, but as short computer code writing, as: if not (condition)... the parenthesis aren't required so you can write "if not true", as "if not (true)", then "true" is the result of the condition, as your "elif not (1+1==3)" will be evaluate to "elif not (false)"...
[ EDIT ]
And the output is 2
if not true: #if it is wrong, print 1,
print (1)
elif not (1+1==3) # else, if this is true, i.e. "not 1+1=3", which is true
print ("2") #print 2, because "not 1+1=3" is true
print ("3").