c++ variables
what does the numbers mean
6 Antworten
What exactly is your question?
i don't understand how do you finger out that a = 35
my question is. is their a sort of math related
The sign = does not mean what it means in math class!
You use it to give numbers, that you want to use later, a name.
a=35 means: "From now on, the name of the number 35 shall be 'a'!"
Later, when you want to use the number, you can just write a instead, for example:
a + 5
(Answer is 40.)
The "=" equal sign in c++ is an assignment operator. It is used to assign the value of any variable
You can assign a value to a variable by using "="
As HonFu explained,
if you assign a value to a variable, you can call it whenever required.
so, if you define a variable and give it a value, the variable will hold the value.
You can understand further about the variable types here https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus/cpp_variable_types.htm