Script to adjust chat screen on mobile browser
I need help to change script for chat features adjust to mobile browser. can anyone help?
1 Antwort
You can put the date you would like to count down to in a variable in the following way;
var oldDate = new Date("01-01-2000");
var now = new Date();
var diff = now - oldDate;
Diff is the number of miliseconds between now and the older date
You can then calculate the number of weeks/days between now and the other date, which can also be in the future.
var days = diff / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24;
// 1000 = milliseconds, 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours
var weeks = days / 7;
var years = days / 365.25;
// taking into account leapyears with 0.25 days
var daysLeft = (years - Math.floor(years)) * 365.25;
// Years minus the whole number of years times the number of days in a year
// leaves you with the number of days left over after removing the years.
// You can then also calculate the hour minutes and seconds left in a similar way