+ 2
Anyone help me in Machine Learning
I am doing a project in Machine Learning and i need some help
10 Antworten
+ 7
Could you specify the question a bit more? :)
+ 5
plzz ask ur actually question dude..
+ 4
Actually, that is what the PorterStemmer is supposed to do - convert the terminal 'y' to 'i' if there is another vowel in the stem.
This is an expected effect and will work properly. It is normal that stemming won't necessarily give you grammatically proper word stems, that's not the point here. You might later use them for word embeddings in contextual analysis.
So unless there is a good reason why you'd need this word to be stemmed otherwise, I'd give it a rest :)
+ 2
I am doing a project in text classification on restaurant review. when I applying stemming it converting 'tasty' to ' tasti'. all major stemming doing same. I would like to know that it is possible to edit porter stemminv algo for not converting 'y' to 'i'
+ 2
Naved Ansari I am not really sure what you mean now. What I said was that the PorterStemmer's algorithm envisages replacing 'y' with 'i' if there is another vowel in the stem. It is here - tAsty, so y gets converted to i.
If you're not happy with PorterStemmer, use another algorithm, like Snowball for example.
+ 1
how to convert terminal y to i. i am using windows
+ 1
There are a lots of stemmers available. Choose another one that fits your requirements. I have used LancasterStemmer and a few more. Lancaster worked for me for that job. Snowball was good for another job. Choose whichever fits yours.
+ 1
Kuba Siekierzyński Thank you! the problm is solved.
+ 1
I also want to use POS tagging But i don't know much about this so please give me right tutorial to learn POS tagging
+ 1
Naved Ansari NLTK module provides variety of stemmers and also POS taggers.