Dear Sololearn, it is against Human Rights.

There is no respect for beginners by community here. Downvotes for simple code not only irritates people but also destroys our motivation to learn. DISCRIMINATION AGAINST BIGGINNERS !! Remove this "downvotes" button. All are equal in this world either he/she is great programmer or just a beginner. I know this post will deleted but i even know there should be some respects for beginners who will be future of this world.... There is no any "upvotes" needed, we just want that "downvotes" should be removed as it can bear irritation to the community. This should good media to make a good connection to all community members, that can be a best way to improve world to programming. I HOPE SOLOLEARN WILL IMPROVE IT "DOWNVOTES DESTROYING OUR CREATIVITY"

18th Oct 2018, 2:53 PM
Youbraj Kafle
Youbraj Kafle - avatar
45 Antworten
+ 15
I looked at all of your questions. You got downvoted a total of five times for three of your questions. Each of the downvotes were on a duplicate of an existing question. Which right is more important, your being a beginner who doesn't know when to use search or people sick and tired of rereading the same posts. I personally think it is a draw.
18th Oct 2018, 5:29 PM
John Wells
John Wells - avatar
+ 13
I like the fact that you upvoted your own post. Doesn't that discriminate against everyone who doesn't do that?
18th Oct 2018, 2:57 PM
Anna - avatar
+ 11
Youbraj Kafle The downvote system applies to all users not just beginners. If you feel someone is targeting you by abusing the voting system. Please email info@sololearn.com.
18th Oct 2018, 3:02 PM
Manual - avatar
+ 7
I got click baited here😂 that explains why there's downvote button.
18th Oct 2018, 3:43 PM
Ayushman Sen
Ayushman Sen - avatar
+ 7
@john thanks for hearing me! And you are absolutely right. I remember Sleepy Koala saying that some "hello world" and some smart trick to get upvotes codes get many likes while some really talented coders are totally underrated. and now he has left Sololearn. I remember Paul's phase when he was much underrated but COTD has made him hero so I can happy. And this guy is talking "downvotes destroying our creativity" . Sololearn has lost many great coders with proven enormous creativity. I can't say all learning coders will have creativity. Down vote button is as necessary as up vote button is. there are two sides of coin!
18th Oct 2018, 8:18 PM
Roneel - avatar
+ 6
I get that it's annoying but calling it a human rights violation is a bit of a stretch and kind of clickbaity. It's not Sololearn's fault either that a part of the community is toxic and removing the downvote button will just hide the toxicity which doesn't fix the problem. Instead you should report the poeple you suspect are downvoting for no reason therefore helping the community to be a better place.
18th Oct 2018, 3:15 PM
TurtleShell - avatar
+ 6
All I see is "seniors" upvoting very basic codes of beginners in order to motivate and encourage them. Go to the playground. You'll see "Hello World" codes with hundreds of upvotes there (and I think that's perfectly fine). I never experienced any kind of negativity from advanced learners towards newcomers on Sololearn, at least definitely not as a mass phenomenon.
18th Oct 2018, 4:54 PM
Anna - avatar
+ 5
Well just a suggestion won't it be more beneficial if sololearn adds a feature that you must write something to code or submission while downvoting so the creator can improve and the no. of people who are downvoting unnecessarily will be decreased too...
18th Oct 2018, 3:33 PM
Madhav - avatar
+ 5
If you feel targeted, tag a platinum mod. They can check and see the downvotes. We do take action against misuse behavor. I was a target of a downvoter before there were platinums and SoloLearn did handle it. Personally, I believe all votes should be open and visible. The only downvotes I've ever made were for reportable offences such as swearing or stealing programs, prior to becoming a mod, that I also reported to SoloLearn.
18th Oct 2018, 4:37 PM
John Wells
John Wells - avatar
+ 5
Others have said it before, but you are not right about this and it doesn't matter if you scream or just repeat your paranoia over and over again. If you post in FAQ and it's the same question that has been asked a lot of times, even that day maybe, you WILL get at least some downvotes. My 'favourites': 'Here, look at my cool code!' or 'Challenge: ...' (abuse) 'What is better, Python or Java?' (every - day - several - times!!!) 'fhjffujkoiz' (...) 'I don't understand how print works.' (First or second mini-module in every single sololearn course ...) 'Write this code for me: ...' (No reason, no please, not a thank you.) To summarize: If you hijack a space that is meant for serious questions for your advertisement, spam, worn-out opinion requests, 'do-my-homework' orders or questions that you could answer yourself IN ONE MINUTE by using the search function or google, you are really asking for it.
18th Oct 2018, 6:25 PM
HonFu - avatar
+ 5
The only code downvote that is valid in my mind is when it is stolen. Some people's best code after months of practice will never match what my first ever code was after reading the entire Fortran book in a day. I blew my teacher away.
18th Oct 2018, 7:14 PM
John Wells
John Wells - avatar
+ 5
HonFu I assume they forgot to save and lost their last set of changes. Roneel my first code was better than some people will ever code because they don't get programming. But, they put the effort into it and you should either upvote or not vote on them. Never downvote their codes just because it didn't reach your expectations.
18th Oct 2018, 8:03 PM
John Wells
John Wells - avatar
+ 5
Youbraj Kafle Errors are taught so people can learn from their mistakes and avoid them in the future, not to repeatedly recreate them. You are free to test your knowledge and observe the cause and relationship of errors, without the need of setting your code to public display. Since you did, it obviously is subjected to downvote. I would advise people to refrain from posting in this thread. Your logic is flawed and may earn you more downvotes, unless you make some improvements.
19th Oct 2018, 2:28 AM
Hoàng Nguyễn Văn
Hoàng Nguyễn Văn - avatar
+ 5
not to kick start this argument again. but Youbraj Kafle I think you miss understood my post. when I said I agree with Jay Matthews, I meant I agree that there should be no self upvoting.
19th Oct 2018, 2:30 AM
LONGTIE👔 - avatar
+ 4
I don't advocate blindly downvoting, but you are exaggerating the problem here. It is not against human rights to downvote, and you need better self-control if a bunch of downvotes already made you said otherwise.
18th Oct 2018, 3:39 PM
Hoàng Nguyễn Văn
Hoàng Nguyễn Văn - avatar
+ 4
I think that it is hypocritical to complain about others abusing the voting system and doing pretty much the same thing yourself.
18th Oct 2018, 4:52 PM
Anna - avatar
+ 4
You asked your question on October 25, 2017. Three duplicates that were linked in your thread were from October 15, October 18, and October 22.
18th Oct 2018, 5:57 PM
Anna - avatar
+ 4
Youbraj Kafle, you already found a nice remedy there against too many downvotes: Post every nonsense a dozen times, it improves your post-downvote-ratio!
18th Oct 2018, 6:00 PM
HonFu - avatar
+ 4
HonFu the way I understand it downvotes have no effect on badges or xp. To get badge for code takes 5 upvotes and 10 downvotes doesn't stop it. Keep in mind, this has neither been confirmed or denied by SoloLearn, but is based on my examining of my and others activities. I got a code badge with a vote count of 4 or the downvote happened just after it. But, my hater had hit everything a few days earlier so I'm guessing it had no effect.
18th Oct 2018, 9:27 PM
John Wells
John Wells - avatar
+ 3
I see one (!) question that has been downvoted after someone pointed out that the question had already been asked (and answered) at least six times by the time you posted it. That was one year ago.
18th Oct 2018, 5:15 PM
Anna - avatar