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How can I put an object in an array
I tried it like this: var modul=new Array(modul("Modul 1"), modul("Modul 2"), modul("Modul 3")); function modul(modul){ this.modul=modul; } but i cant call it with for example : alert(modul[1].modul);
36 Antworten
great thanks a lot it was the alert name:)
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you can do the same thing like this:
let arr = new Array();
let obj = {};
but why if you can just write [] ?
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if anyone is interessted in the Solution of this Problem here it is:
Great THANKS to NIk01
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does anyone know that?
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let arr = [];
let obj = {};
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let is the new syntax of es6 , the same as var, but local scope.
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never )))
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i can write it by 100 ways, but it’s best practice to use prototype functions, cuz they are optimized, look at array.prototype functions :)
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ok I tried it it still not working:
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function modul(name, subject) {
return {
name: name,
subject: subject
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look,if you write, this.name inside of a function, it’s just creating a variable inside that function, thats all, you need to return something from there, to be able to push it into array.
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can't report quangtong
for what is the let expression?
got it it's for the scope
I'll try it
when do I use new array?
cause it was in the js lections
I'm wrong it was just with objects got confused :p Thanks a lot
and i have to write it with the push