What are the most used framework in PHP?
7 Antworten
+ 1
Symfony, Laravel
+ 1
I heard that's depend on companies and places
for example in USA they use most Laravel
and in Europe they use Symfony more
in Arabic countries using code ignetor
+ 1
its not about what better its about to understand how frameworks working
for first step sure u have learned php then u need OOP
after that make a search about MVC , if you understand this you can work on any framework
but usually they use laravel for big projects and codeignetor for smalls
after u being professional u can make your own framework . good luck
+ 1
Laravel is a un-official but official framework supported by all php community.
Now the most popular nop, unlike frameworks a classic php project is a set of php composer libs and raw php files. A best way IMO
ok tq
how I choose what is better?
tq bro..