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Does someone know how to do Book Inventory System in java?
• Create some definition classes for book (including its stock quantity on hand), author, and publisher. • Create a driver class to demonstrate the application of classes. In this class, you need to create an array to keep records about the books. You need to hard code the records of 10 books and provide the following functions in a simple menu: o View All Book Information o Search the Information of a Book o Edit the Information of a Book o Delete a Book
6 Antworten
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Miko, just create inside driver class list of books where you will keep all your book objects.
List<Book> books
And implement all your requested methods with actions on this list.
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You can take a look on my code for search engine challange
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Miko it depends what concept do you have. If you want to do more actions without rerunning app use switch.
Is it your homework?
Michal yes, i have done the 3 classes , book.java, author.java and publisher.java. But i dont know how to do the driver.java. It need to create an array ... and also provide the following functiom.
Michal thank you very much! so i need to use switch case too?