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Changing property values with functions
Hey people! Is there a reason when I use new command, and create and object, I can use the changeName function and it works, but when I try to use it with an object I create as I did in the second bit, it doesn't work and does not output anything? var James = new person("James, 21"); James.changeName("Cliff"); document.write(James.name); var David = {name:"David", age:24}; David.changeName("Dave"); document.write(David['name']);
2 Antworten
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You probably have the changeName method inside the Person object.
The second code should have thrown error at console that it couldn't detect changeName method.
I'm assuming things as you've not posted much details on Person object
Yes, it was within the person object. Sorry for the inconvenience of partial posting. Thanks for the answer.