+ 1
Is there a way to favorite codes in SoloLearn?
Some users here have some amazing codes that could be used as references or guides and many tutorials in forms of code. Is there a way to favorite those so we can access them later?
10 Antworten
+ 7
Well... you can create your own Web code with links to those in-app codes. This way you'll always have the bookmark to the code even after it's updated.
One small disadvantage over saving as private -- when the code is deleted by the author, it's lost.
+ 5
Hello Asirap
There is no way to favorite code.
But you can definitely save them to your profile.
To do that go-to any code-> press three dots on up-right side->click on save and name the code.
Make sure you don't make that code public as it is not yours.
Don't try to use this in wrong purpose.
Don't edit credits on top of the code.
If anything suspicious found, you will get warned by mods.
+ 5
You can do one thing.
Download any sticky-notes application from Playstore if you are on Android or from app store if you are on apple.
And then simply you can copy link of the code and you can paste in that application and give appropriate name or heading.
+ 3
It would be all easier if we had the possibility to create public and private code folders.
+ 3
I would prefer folders.
There are some codes I'd like to showcase; others, like if I wrote a bubble sort in Ruby on the bus - less interesting.
After you've been here for a while it becomes a mess.
I can reduce the mess for others by privatizing codes, but I still have to live in that messy room.
+ 1
Kuba Siekierzyński sir, what you say about last message of mine.
+ 1
ikr HonFu or even a favorite/liked codes tab
+ 1
HonFu that's a problem that would be easily solvable for sololearn team. we should request that then!
Raj Chhatrala yes that's what I've been doing but it makes the whole my codes section chaotic so I was wondering of there was some other way to keep other coders' saved codes aside for future reference
okay thanks