How do you build trading platforms ?

I would love a short and thorough explanation on how to build a trading platform in the realm of etrade or something more simple.

4th Jan 2019, 5:32 PM
Nicolas Dominguez
Nicolas Dominguez - avatar
5 Antworten
+ 1
Do you want a web application like e-commerce or a console application for real time foreign trading...
4th Jan 2019, 10:58 PM
africana - avatar
+ 1
Since it is a console app you want, it is not that easy neither is it that hard. Its a two way thing. You will need 2 major things and plenty minor ones. You need a language to write in and a trading api to connect to. Python or Ruby or JavaScript will do the work. The easiest I think will be JavaScript by making use of Socket.io which is an excellent choice for building real time applications. Python and Ruby could have this built into them or have external libraries but I happen to be aware of none. For the api, there are plenty of them like Bitcoin, Etherum, Ripple, Bitcoin cash, Cardano, Litecoin, Neo and more all these are for crypto currencies. There are others for stock exchange too. So it largely depends on where you want to look into. As said you need a language that you understand well and an external working api. Regards...
5th Jan 2019, 9:28 PM
africana - avatar
console application i want to undestand whats under the hood on these playforms and how do you build one from scratch
5th Jan 2019, 9:08 PM
Nicolas Dominguez
Nicolas Dominguez - avatar
ok thanks :) tell me, though, are you a software engineer?
5th Jan 2019, 10:31 PM
Nicolas Dominguez
Nicolas Dominguez - avatar
Yes I am a programmer which you might also call software engineer.
5th Jan 2019, 11:05 PM
africana - avatar