+ 2
How to put an audio in a form.?
I tried making a new folder but it didn't work...what else can be done for an audio to get played excluding bgsound,embed and audio.
15 Antworten
+ 6
<audio src="1.mp3">Your browser does not support audio tag</audio>
This works if your HTML file is on the same path as your .mp3 file.
+ 4
if you have a audio in folder "audio" named audio.mp3 taking the HTML file as base path use SRC="audio/audio.mp3"
for python DTL
<audio SRC={℅static 'audio/audio.mp3'%}>
+ 4
as a last resort ...try JavaScript play function . w3school.org
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not so sure as I do these on PC
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Check whether your .mp3 file is in the same path as your .html file. If there is no output, try <audio src="1.mp3" controls>Your browser doesn't support audio tag.</audio>.
+ 4
does android browsers supports audio tag ? ....u need webgl for that correct cheese
+ 4
I tried it in anWriter and the music player is showing.
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Oh OP says "apply this to my phone". Sorry I just read the posts at the bottom. But OP is saying there is no output, if it is not supported, the text will be seen.
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you have to show codes for us to help .
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maybe she is writing the codes in side another elements
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Yup, tried it on chrome and it works like expected. OP said there is no output because there is no "controls" inside the audio tag so the music player couldn't be seen and autoplay=false.
<audio src="123.mp3" controls></audio>
Ohkay! thank you I'll try
I tried all the methods but I am not getting any output..
I can apply all this on my phone,right?