Fix the bug question

Do people really not test their solution before they post it? I sure saw a lot of nulls and undefined for... // Language: JavaScript // Task Description: By only changing the plus signs in the object a, make the code print "1 2 3". Not to mention 0, 1, 2 results.

6th Feb 2019, 3:58 AM
Sean Sullivan
4 Antworten
+ 2
Can me it more clear I'm not reaching your thinking
6th Feb 2019, 4:45 AM
UwU Discover Me
+ 2
Post a thread
6th Feb 2019, 4:56 AM
UwU Discover Me
The majority of the "solutions" in the comments section either don't work or produce the wrong answer.
6th Feb 2019, 4:52 AM
Sean Sullivan
🧐🙄 Umm, isn't that what this is?
6th Feb 2019, 4:58 AM
Sean Sullivan