+ 1

Why we are using INTO to insert value in sql, when we can insert value still without using INTO?

3rd Mar 2019, 1:23 PM
Kamaal Basha
Kamaal Basha - avatar
5 Antworten
+ 2
//INSERT INTO is only way to add data on database, which other way you are talking?
3rd Mar 2019, 1:56 PM
Sudarshan Rai
Sudarshan Rai - avatar
+ 2
Kamaal Basha how do you insert value in database without INSERT INTO, please explain
3rd Mar 2019, 2:08 PM
Sudarshan Rai
Sudarshan Rai - avatar
+ 1
ok how without INTO
3rd Mar 2019, 2:23 PM
Sudarshan Rai
Sudarshan Rai - avatar
Without using 'INTO' Clause also we can insert value. But why still we are using INTO clause
3rd Mar 2019, 2:02 PM
Kamaal Basha
Kamaal Basha - avatar
I'm not saying Insert I'm saying only 'INTO'
3rd Mar 2019, 2:12 PM
Kamaal Basha
Kamaal Basha - avatar