SoloLearn App connection issues & code playground suggestions
Hi everyone! I am having severe connection problems with the SoloLearn app on Android. Many times I cannot connect to the Q&A section at all. Besides that, very often my codes in code playground cannot be saved due to this issues: a "no connection" error is fired after quite a long time of "connecting..." and therefore my code cannot be saved. Sometimes I lose all my work and progress 😡😠. That is very annoying and inconvenient! Am I the only one having this problem? Is a fix already in development? Any ideas why this happens? Then, I have some suggestions for the Code Playground: - add an option to save a code LOCALLY and upload it at a later time. This would at least resolve the connection issue. - add an AUTOSAVE option with editable interval (eg.: 120 s, 5 min, etc). This would also come in handy. - ECMA Script 6 (JS) has become a new standard, but the new keywords are not yet implemented in Code Playground (eg.: "let" for variable declaration) and therefore not highlighted. Any chances for this?