+ 2
int myAge; .. now the "int" means ?
8 Antworten
+ 6
this means integer . (int 32 bits) in memory this mean that you want to allocate 32 bits (4 bytes).so it will contain from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 only. if depass this limit (by adding 1 to the int.max(this means 2,147,483,647+1 ))then the number will turn to int.min, so here it will be -2,147,483,648 because of overflow which is not an exxeption (if you want to throw an exception when overflow happen then use the "checked{some code...}").
if you need another interval then use another type like uint, long etc.
+ 5
This means that myAge can be used to store a number (integer) within a limited range (that depends on the compiler and architecture. )
There will be errors if you attempt to store incompatible.datatype in this variable such as decimals or larger numbers
+ 4
+ 2
int means integer
+ 1
int means integer
+ 1
Thanks for explanation 😍
+ 1
it's mean integer which is a simply a data type which store only integer value likes age ,contact number and any digit
+ 1
it stores an integar number