+ 6
I started to learn SQL and..
I have a question: I'm learning SQL here in SoloLearn but I'm also watching some YouTube videos about SQL. The channels name is Socratica and she uses PostgreeSQL to teach. I wanna know if some concepts can change between the videos and the explanations of Solo Learn.
5 Antworten
+ 17
There shouldn't be any major differences between the syntax, at least on the query level:
Personally, I stumbled upon Postgresql relatively recently. What I like the most is jsonb, specific to Postgresql. I like the syntax and how easily I can query the JSON entries thanks to it :)
+ 7
Each database engine has its own flavour or 'dialect' of SQL. The basic stuff should be the same across all platforms though.
Some of the major differences:
- scripting syntax for writing stored procedures
- how NULL is treated
- select from nothing
- more complicated join types, e.g. outer (left/right) joins have some proprietary syntax in Oracle and MSsql, and mysql does not support full outer join..
- hierarchical queries
Anyway PostgreSQL is perfectly fine for learning, and if you got the basics, it is not too difficult to research db-specific variations from documentation, if you need to switch to another engine.
+ 7
Both are same.Continue learning .Solo learn will be the best choice.
+ 3
They are the same just make sure you are on path ok
+ 2
good.this is the place where u can learn most of things in parallel