+ 14
FlyiiingDani - i have an iPhone and some codes with “hover” work when you click on them and some don’t.
Someone more experienced than me might be able to tell us why. (Hopefully)
+ 9
Just found this article on stackoverflow. NOTE: you have to turn off the “reading view” (hamburger menu - three lines in upper right corner) or view in internet.
Read first 5-6 comments.
+ 3
://Please clarify your question or attach your source code so community can help you
+ 2
:// FlyiiingDani so you want to remove hover effect 🤔🤔remember after removing hover dropdown won't work
+ 2
://FlyiiingDani actually dropdown working on hover not on click, see from line 36 on css
+ 1
://FlyiiingDani because on mobile hover and click act same, because hover or click we need to touch so
What hover effect?
Please provide more details.