+ 15
SoloLearn community acronyms
Please post here SoloLearn community acronyms and explanation. I am telling about acronyms like SL, LR, FS, MorW. You know what about I am)
10 Antworten
+ 13
var SL = "SoloLearn"
var LR = "Limit Reached"
var FS = "Full Screen"
var MorW = "Maybe Top Secret"
console.log(SL + "<br/>" + LR + "<br/>" + FS + "<br/>" + "<br/>" MorW )
+ 8
I have never heard of MorW.
+ 7
ShTh is Maneesha {Shruthi}
+ 7
SCB->Space a coding boy
LR->Limit Reached
LOL->Laugh Out Loud
MorW->Top Secret
FS->Full screen
+ 6
😂😁😁😁😁😂 it's something coined in the group Sonic
+ 6
Mr. Anonymous
You did a cute stupidity.
Why don't you store "<br/>" in a variable?😂😂
And there is an error. put a '+' symbol before MorW variable.😂
+ 5
Knowing none of the conversation involved, I am guessing MorW is man or woman??
+ 4
Yup Nerses Avakyan MorW is top secret 🤣 ! Strange !!!!
+ 1
✍️ an additional lesson learned !
SONIC I don't know. I Am also was thinking so