+ 3
What are some good first projects for python? I'm about halfway through the course, are there any projects I can do yet?
Learning the basics and such behind python is important, but I want to actually start coding things so I can maintain my interest and actually apply what I have learned so far. As of right now I'm kind of just like, "What can I actually do with this?"
4 Antworten
+ 8
Try the Android app 'Programming Ideas 2' https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alansa.ideabag2
Here is the web version https://ideabag2.netlify.com/
+ 3
What you enjoy to code is probably very individual.
But from the point of what's doable, you could try a rock scissors paper game.
Computer chooses randomly, human chooses manually.
Gives you some good if-else practice.
Also you might want to browse the 'Coding Challenges' right from when they started and look for tasks that seem doable.
More ideas may come while you're already writing code.
+ 2
Hi Laura. Like you, I am progressing through python.
I built a little casino game, which I found to be a great motivator to improve my coding.
Plus it's a bit of fun.