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Android app ideas
Hello there! I have to develop an android app to college and I have no interesting ideas. It has to be something not hard but not easy at the same time. Can you help me? Thank you
6 Antworten
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Is there any specific requirement for which you are making app like any tech fest program going on or an app for your college listing all the details
Or just anything
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U can make an offline app
Which consist of introduction of your college
Name of teachers their email id phone no.
List of syllabus for each classes
Extra facilities available at your school
Etc . U can think more and make your app superb👍
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U can use Android studio on computer for creating the app.
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MP3 player
It could be anything. But I don't want my app to connect to any servers or something like that(message app for example) because I don't know how to do so. Thanks
Thanks!! That's a great idea! But since is my first app I am going to develop, where do I save the information? I mean I think I can't have a database in my mobile phone. Sorry if I make spelling or syntaxys mistakes, that's because English is not my first lenguaje