+ 35
What are you doing on levels >15 to get xp points?
What to do to get the most xp points for it? I have 75.000 points to next level. With my speed it takes a year or more to reach lev 17...
23 Antworten
+ 33
I'm waiting for the official Sololearn account to challenge me so I could get the sweetest victory with 37XP 😁
Actually, do not concentrate on XP. This app is about learning and getting better at programming. Look, for example, at Mitali , bobbie , Rull Deef 🐺, Kuba Siekierzyński and others who constantly entertain us with their ideas, tips, tricks and codes. What really matters is knowledge.
+ 31
I don't think but ask sololearners who already reached the level 17
+ 29
You have to make challenges to get more XP quickly
+ 19
Just challenging. Like, a lot.
Oh, and if you want easy XP, challenge me. I am the level 17 that is most prone to losing challenges so you might get some 37XP treats against me (not a 100% guarantee btw)
Also, just look at my challenge count. I have just finished 51000 challenges. JeMa has just finished 100000 challenges. You can see where this is going.
+ 19
Igor Makarsky That’s me😂 Now I always wait for SoloLearn official account to challenge me... (Now I don’t do any challenges) But I am still active to contribute in Q/A and see others code. Encourage others to continue...
+ 18
Is something faster than challenges?
+ 17
Usman M Ahmad To level up... When you get a certain amount of XPs, you will go to a new level. Now you are at level 6.
Fun fact: Highest level is 20... Now we only have JeMa ^_^ 🇨🇩 and Michaël🤴 who is at level 18...
+ 15
Lito Delcid check this out
+ 10
Challenge is the key to earn xp.might be sometimes when we lost that time we was felling botherad. But we should do more & more challenge.
+ 9
I'm on Q&A duty and using my patented method you too can get to level 14 in 2 years. Only 20 years to go. (literally)
+ 8
Sławek J. You can get a lot of xp by unlock a Badge.😁😁😁🙌🙌
+ 7
To complete challenges is the easiest way to get more XP and as you will be at level > 15, you can win more and so the XP.
+ 6
Sławek J. Tomorrow marks 2 years since I started using Sololearn and by extension, challenging, in case you want to know
+ 6
Challenging and since I haven't learned much
Learning also helps
+ 4
Do challenges
+ 4
So are we finally all agreeing? :)
(At least in this thread - let's see if it sticks.)
+ 4
Sławek J. HonFu is absolutely right! The easiest way to get XP is to do a lot of challenges! And the most efficient gains are in doing HTML challenges. I think there are three main classes of Sololearners: those who want to gain and share knowledge, those who want to write and share amazing codes and those who treat this as a game and try to rise to the top of the leaderboard of XP and other accolades. Of course, there are those who have different degrees of everything. I think so far I've been in the first and third categories. I am yet to write a significant code on SL. When I engage in challenges, especially repetitive html ones, part of me tells me should I not be spending my time better on other things including code etc. but the other part tells me "Dude you're tired after work on the train, your brain is only half working, a mobile phone is not the best place to write significant code. So just do some html challenges and try to gain some XP for the day!"
+ 2
What is XP used for?
+ 1