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Could someone explain to me why this is the answer to this one question?
Question: What is the output of this code? int x = 8; System.out.print(++x * 3 + "" + x); Answer: 279 How is the answer to this 279..? Wouldnt it just be 32?
3 Antworten
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Hello. The ++ is a precedent operator. Before 'x' is used, it gets an increment.
So, ++x turns x in 9. Now, 9 * 3 equals 27.
In the print, the string is concatenating the values 27 + "" + x. And x is 9 due to the incrementation. Since "" was used just to separate 27 + x (which would get a sum here) they're just separate values being put together one after another. Thus, 279.
Hope it helps :)
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Breno Wilson Ah thankyou! It all makes sense to me now :)
Although I thought ++x wouldnt be counted in until after the line? I probably need to go revisit that chapter.
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When a math is being doing, you need to solve it before printing.
++ (or --) has priority above multiplication and division.
The catch is that the '+' from "" + x or 3 + "" isn't a sum, but a concatanation since you're "summing up" a string data with a number data (an integer in that case). You must pay attention to recognize that.
You can follow my profile if you need any help I can solve :)