+ 52

should i show my friends my codes?

coding is fun and interesting but not everyone likes it. In the world today, it is necessary to know to code but when you do you are called a geek or nerd so although i want to show them the advantages of coding, i dont want to be bullied. I am A 13 year old boy looking for guidance. Please help me

22nd May 2019, 12:23 AM
jovani Gittens
jovani Gittens - avatar
49 Antworten
+ 82
Maybe first ask your friends if they are interested in code or learning to code. If not - dont show them. But if anyone makes fun of you or calls you names, try not to take it to heart. Most of us have been called a nerd or a geek at some point, but that is usually because someone doesn’t understand you or because they are jealous of your abilities. Hope that helps. 😊
22nd May 2019, 1:07 AM
Candyopoly - avatar
+ 55
jovani Gittens For the past 23+ years, programming has been my whole world, my identity, my true passion, and fortunately, my professional career. Here's what I can say about sharing this with non-programmers: - Most will think you're a genius for what you consider to be the most basic things, which may not even be related to programming. - Most will never understand the depths of what you know or do. - Most will tune you out after the first 60 seconds because it will be that boring to them. - Many will feel intimidated by your knowledge and it will require you to master communicating complex technical concepts in a way that people can understand and not feel lost. You will have your colleagues, select groups, and online communities to share in this aspect of your life. True friends will support you no matter what. Those who can't relate to your interests or intellect may feel threatened or just react ignorantly. Ignore them. They won't matter when you're driving innovation. 😉
22nd May 2019, 1:43 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 47
Amen jay AgentSmith - I agree - I take nerd/geek label as a compliment David Carroll - sweet of you to say Well said Robin R.
22nd May 2019, 1:50 PM
Candyopoly - avatar
+ 45
First Knock The Door Then Enter!!!💡 (Ask If They Like & Show It With So Much Interest)🎆 🌹😯😍💖🤩👌👍🤗😃😊✌🌹
23rd May 2019, 12:28 PM
K͜͡ɩnɢ・ムzizi 🖤
K͜͡ɩnɢ・ムzizi 🖤 - avatar
+ 43
David Carroll - perfect!
22nd May 2019, 2:09 AM
Candyopoly - avatar
+ 29
When I was 13, that's when I started getting into programming also. This was back in the 90s so times were a little bit different than they are now, and honestly, nothing wrong with being a geek/nerd. :D We're in the age of technology now, so that's a compliment in my opinion. Anyways, I created an online text based game back then and showed it off to people at school; next thing I knew they were all in the school library playing it before school every day. Was the coolest feeling in the world showing my passion off to others and seeing their reaction over it. It's like a chef watching someone enjoy the meal he just prepared and cooked. Or an artist watching the glowing eyes of those admiring their painting. Nothing better in the world and worth taking that risk. I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for what I'm not. Think about it like this. Who do you know that uses technology/software/etc..? Yeah, everyone. Who do you know offline that can actually create it? Exactly. People aren't going to make fun of you for being a bad ass and able to create amazing stuff. If they do, they're the type of person that's going to make fun of you on a normal day when you're minding your own business anyways; those are toxic people you shouldn't consider your friend anyways. Your friends will think it's amazing that you can do it. Anyways, don't hesitate with being proud about your talents and sharing it with the world!
22nd May 2019, 2:21 AM
+ 27
I started coding at the age of ten, so I was definitely the class nerd... But you know what, coding is an ability that you have and the others don't have. So if anything, you should be proud of your skills. Keep smiling!
23rd May 2019, 10:31 AM
Humayra🇧🇩 - avatar
+ 26
It's totally different today than it was two-three decades ago when I grew up. You now have an online community which fully accepts your choices and hobbies, is supportive enough for you not only to lose your drive, but to develop and hone your skills at every age. That said, life might be different in the physical world. I can observe this in my daughter's friends' approach. When she shows them her creations, they are usually barely interested in game-ish-like and funny-storied ones, but don't really care how it's done and how to build something like this on their own. I wouldn't really care about other people's interest, although I know it can be important at certain age. Ultimately, you will most likely stay passionate about stuff that is black magic to most people I know ;)
22nd May 2019, 8:11 AM
Kuba Siekierzyński
Kuba Siekierzyński - avatar
+ 24
😂 Everyone got so busy in sharing their own experiences and inspirations, they totally forgot about him
24th May 2019, 7:48 AM
Humayra🇧🇩 - avatar
+ 16
lol Exactly David! :D That made me laugh; great post about it and very true. I'm the main programmer at my job and it's funny how amazing people think I am over simple stuff. Then again, I probably act like that toward people who can fix cars and I'm sure their mechanic stuff they fix for me is simple to them also. lol Besides....girls love booleans. Is that true or is that true? 🤣
22nd May 2019, 2:26 AM
+ 15
AgentSmith You are now one of my new heroes... Bravo... bravo... 👏 Candyopoly As always, you consistently remain a voice of inspiration and encouragement. Bravo to you as well! #hero 👏 Mind To Machine 💻🕆 You too have drive and determination to succeed no matter the challenge. #hero 👏 jovani Gittens See... you are among your people here! 👍 Keep following your passion! #hero 👏👏👏
22nd May 2019, 2:32 AM
David Carroll
David Carroll - avatar
+ 15
Well bullying is a serious subject. It can range from mild name calling to online and offline versions that can cause the victim to get depressed and sometimes even take their own life. It's good to be thick skinned and not too oversensitive to what bullies could say or do. Perhaps just show your code to trustworthy friends/colleagues who won't act against you, if this is possible to know in advance. In general, don't get too affected by what a bully would say or do. These people often have their own personal issues they are dealing with which they try to take out on others. If you are able to stay calm and unphased by mild/inital bullying you are often able to avoid things from reaching a more serious stage.
22nd May 2019, 2:35 AM
Sonic - avatar
+ 15
Fear not. The people whose opinions you're worried about when you're 13 will not be the same people who will value your opinion when you're 30.
22nd May 2019, 6:16 PM
Janning⭐ - avatar
+ 14
Candyopoly - David Carroll really puts stuff together perfectly, AgentSmith "I'd rather be hated for what i am, than loved for what I'am not" - boy that touched me
22nd May 2019, 2:27 AM
Mind To Machine 💻🕆
Mind To Machine 💻🕆 - avatar
+ 14
jovani Gittens You know what, just go up to them, show them something really cool (or anything basic, that would also be cool for them), and ask them, "Did you know that you could have made this?" Don't worry, in this age of technology, knowing how to build it is one great talent, and at 13yo, you show its signs very clearly. David Carroll Your answer really resembles with me (except the career part, I'm just 17). My whole life is dedicated to technology. Candyopoly, AgentSmith, Mind To Machine 💻🕆, Kuba Siekierzyński Very inspiring answers.
22nd May 2019, 7:00 PM
Kainatic [Mostly Inactive Now]
Kainatic [Mostly Inactive Now] - avatar
+ 14
Why should the judgment of others define who you are?🤔🐟 Keep following your passion! 🐟 If your friends do not seem interested, do not talk to them right away, they will change their mind one day. 👍 ( Thank you for this question, it made me think a lot) .
23rd May 2019, 7:58 PM
Mr.Fish - avatar
+ 12
If you know you gonna get bullied maybe you should keep it to yourself for now, this is a really important question tho, i will like to hear David Carroll, ChillPill , Kuba Siekierzyński , Candyopoly ,Morpheus Haris ( exams )
22nd May 2019, 12:36 AM
Mind To Machine 💻🕆
Mind To Machine 💻🕆 - avatar
+ 11
Dear jovani Gittens it is a great thing to be interested in programming at your age, so follow your heart! This is one of the reasons why I like SoloLearn so much likeminded people😁! I guess we all encounter this problem, friends and loved ones who who don't understand what you are doing. In the beginning I talked a lot about it and tried to explain, but if someone isn't interested in programming or computer related stuff they won't share your passion. So best leave out the technical details and just show them what you created once a while and look for people who share your interests, I found that here 😉
22nd May 2019, 7:33 AM
Robin R.
Robin R. - avatar
+ 11
AgentSmith Candyopoly But it definitely does help keep someone afloat when they're loved for what they are. Especially looking at jovani Gittens young age, without that much life experience. So hang in tight there @jovani Gittens, and when you feel down, you'll always have US to turn to!😄
22nd May 2019, 5:03 PM
Shtisim Lukshen
Shtisim Lukshen - avatar
+ 10
Like David Carroll said, if they are truly your friends they will support you.
22nd May 2019, 2:38 AM
jay - avatar