+ 1
I don't really understand 'if-statements' can someone please help me find a way to make it easier for me to learn?
5 Antworten
+ 2
Thats cool, I like Python
Anyway, here's the explanation:
An if statement is a "decision-making" statement. It checks to see if an expression evaluates to "True". For example, "4 > 3" will be True because 4 is greater than 3
If the expression in the if-statements definition evaluates to True, the if-statement's code block will be run. Otherwise, the interpreter will skip over the if-statement until the expression eventually evaluates to True
The definition of an if-statement is as follows:
if #condition#:
code to run if condition is True
For example:
x = int(input())
if x > 0:
print("Input is greater than 0")
Thats how easy it is😁. Follow-up comments incoming on elif and else statements
In which language?
in Python. Sorry for not clarifying before
thank you so much! it really helped!
As we saw in the first comment, when an if-statement's expression evaluates to False, the interpreter will skip over it. But what if you want something to happen if the expression is False🤔
This is where the elif and else statements come in
The else statement holds code that will be run if the if-statement preceeding it has an expression Evaluating to False.
For example:
x = int(input())
if x > 0:
print("Number is positive")
print("Number is negative")
The next statement is called elif. This is short for "else if". This statement denotes additional decision making if preceeding if- and elif-statements evaluate to False.
For Example:
age = int(input())
if age < 0:
print("You cant be less than 0 years old")
elif age == 0:
print("Happy Birthday!")
elif age >= 18:
print("You are an adult")
print("You are a child")
As you can see, multiple elif-statements can be chained together for more complex decisions
This concludes the short tutorial I guess😅