How can i write javascript
6 Antworten
+ 7
I find that it's much easier to write Javascript when using an input device, known as a keyboard, that is connected to a computer.
Computers can be any device with a CPU, Memory, Storage, and an OS. These can be desktops, laptops, or mobile devices.
It helps to have a monitor or some screen which you can see your output.
With these items, I'm quite certain you can write Javascript. 😉👌
+ 8
AgentSmith Well... if you really want to go old school, you could use ashes from a camp fire and draw the special characters onto a cave wall as:
J A v A s c r i p T
Viola... you've written Javascript! 🙌🤘
+ 5
I'd start with learning it: https://www.sololearn.com/Course/JavaScript/
Then you can practice it here: https://www.sololearn.com/Codes/
You can also write the scripts locally and test it from your local machine. As well, if you have a web server already, you can obviously practice it there as well.
If you're curious of a text editor, there are plenty to choose from, including what's included with your OS (such as NotePad). Personally, I use Sublime Text for it and it works fine for my purposes.
Code Editor:
+ 5
@David Carroll
lolol :D I prefer the old school pen & pad method. Get yourself a nice ball point pen and just sound it out. Ja. Va. Sc. Rip. T. Easiest way that I've found to write it. 😉
+ 2
Parchment, brush, coffee.
Gentle strokes of painted thought.
Java flows in script.
JavaScript Haiku
+ 1
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