How to remove not started challenges
When I get a challenge from another one I can accept or decline them, that's ok. But the issue is when we challenge somebpdy but didn't start it yet then it also appear on ongoing challenges. At least they cannot be removed. When the list is full, I cannot challenge another one as the limit is reached. 😒
8 Antworten
+ 1
No, you can. But still, it doesn't matter THAT MUCH how much XP it gives; you might be able to live without it
Just do the challenge. There is no other way.
What if I dont want to do it? There should be a way to remove it from ongoing list if it's not started yet.
But there isn't. Just do the challenge
At least we should be able to know how much xp we would gain from winning that challenge
But you can. If you look at it, it says "YOUR TURN", then the amount of XP you would get
That happens only when somebody challenge me. If Im the one who going to challenge, I cant see it before challenging
☺ ok thanks for your help