What is the best(profitable) program?

Web programmer Desktop application programmer Operating system (OS) Distributed applications programmer Library/platform/framework/core programmer Programming scientist // among those which is the most simple and easy to get earn soon as possible?

22nd Jul 2019, 2:34 PM
D ̲E ̲S ̲S ̲I ̲E ̲- ̲B ̲A ̲H ̲I ̲R ̲U ̲
D ̲E ̲S ̲S ̲I ̲E ̲- ̲B ̲A ̲H ̲I ̲R ̲U ̲ - avatar
2 Antworten
Most entry-level salaries are similar. In my area entry-level programmers start out around 35 - 45 thousand(U.S) a year. Where engineers are at around 70 or more. It depends on what you know. All companies work with a dev stack. It has a range of technology that it uses the more you know the more you can make. Lets say you apply for a web dev job. You know html/css/js. Well lets say my company also uses Django and Angular. I might hire you for say 30k. If you knew Angular I could go 33k. The more of my company's stack you can work with makes you more attractive as a new hire.
22nd Jul 2019, 2:52 PM
James - avatar
The important things to learn in any language are data structures. Even if you never use most of them. You need to understand HOW to implement them. Linked list, binary tree, stack, queue, etc... Learn when you would use one and why. Don't go crazy with it. A basic understanding is okay to start with.
22nd Jul 2019, 3:01 PM
James - avatar