Topic: Integrating OCR & OMR processes in Python code.
Honestly, I'm quite a noob to coding, but I am full of general curiosity and ideas I'd like to try to make. Please forgive my ignorance, if I ask wrong questions sometimes. It could be the reason I dont experience much of luck searching answers to my questions on the web. I have more than one question, so ideally I'd like to make it into a discussion, I'll add critical(for me) questions as the discussion unveils. Please do not be hesitant to make your input based on your knowledge or share your personal experience working on similar projects. No matter how much experience you've got relating to this topic, I believe there is little something in each, that I could learn from. - Just like a missing puzzle piece that will make up whole picture clear. Would like to clarify the goal is not to make OCR or OMR Python coded app / tool. But integrating these two processes as part of workflow - receiving data input (assinging to/ or generating elements /classes) that would help Py app to make further decisions.