Can you give me any advices ? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE!
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Can you give me any advices ?

hello guys I'm Drezor and I'm new to programming world and I actually don't know anything about it so I ask you guys to support me and give me some advices about begging to learn this kind of stuff :) And thanks!

29th Jan 2017, 8:53 PM
Drezor - avatar
3 Antworten
+ 3
Think about which part of development you are most interested in. Web Development, mobile apps, "business" apps, or maybe games. read a bit about the differences. Than choose a language and start with the basics in this language. after you learned the basics start with small programms and improve them. maybe first a simple console porgramm, thann add an GUI and news features and so on. Or start with a smal homepage, add styling, and moire functions to it. But the most important thing in learning programming is practice, so try to code as much as you can and dondt start with something like an full 3d mmorpg, its too frustrating in the beginning (even after years of programming such an project is frustrating :D ) good luck! and if there are questionsdont be afraid to ask this in communities like this one ;)
29th Jan 2017, 10:04 PM
R4xx4r - avatar
+ 2
Hey Drezor. Welcome to heaven/hell ;) I'd say you started with some lessons in C++ from sololearn (just the basic ones). This is because many languages follow the C/C++ syntax style. After that, I'd say that you try the rest of them out, find one that you like and I really can't stress that enough. I've seen many aspiring programmers constantly switch between languages. The only thing that is certain if you do that, is that you will not be good at any of them. Some suggestions (again, after getting the basic hang of C++): Python3 Ruby Javascript The above 3 are relatively easy languages to learn (not master, of course) Then you could try: Java C# etc These languages are somewhat more difficult, with a stricter syntax. Anyway, best of luck to you. I really hope you find what you're looking for. Cheers
29th Jan 2017, 9:02 PM
Kostas Kolivas
Kostas Kolivas - avatar
start with java how to program good luck
29th Jan 2017, 9:00 PM
abd alkader alnazer
abd alkader alnazer - avatar