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What should I learn
I am using a lot of scripts for games for example Arma 3 and I want to write my own now, wich language would be the best to start with? I'm a totally noob so the easier to learn the better for me :)
13 Antworten
+ 5
I think the point is being severely missed here. You just joined two hours ago and you want to learn programming. It is good that you stated your intentions to get into game development, but that's a long journey ahead and you should be starting from the basics instead of going directly for a specialization in scripting in a particular game.
+ 4
Der Wahnsinn If it was me learning to script as a complete beginner, I would start with the link below and be sure to learn the listed concepts that follow.
Programming Basics:
- SQF syntax
- Data Types
* Number
* Boolean
* String
- Game Types
* Groups
* Sides
* Unit
* There are others...
- Variables
* Identifiers
* Scopes (Public, Private, Global
* Magic Variables
- Array
- Control Structures
* (i.e. if, for, switch, while)
- Operators
* Assignment
* Arithmetic
* Logical
* Array (Operators)
* String (Operators)
- Functions
- Exception Handling
* try / catch / throw
Arma Scripting Concepts:
- Script Execution
- Event Handlers
- Multiplayer Scripting
Dev Tools:
- VS Code with SQF Plugin
- https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Armitxes.sqf
- Debugging Techniques
Summary of Coding Concepts
- https://github.com/Kugelschieber/asl
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These concepts will help you when you are ready to begin learning one of the modern languages in the courses here.
I hope this information is helpful.
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you want to make ur own game?
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No, just scripts for now
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Der Wahnsinn what do you mean with scripts?
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Well... scripts? I don't know any other definition for that
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you cant choose a language, arma has its own language in wich you need to script
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and since i dont know that langauge here is a tutorial i found on yt
like auto aim or smtn?
No,not a cheat. For example Arma 3, I want to learn how to write scripts to rotate vehicles or teleports or smth
doesn't arma have it own coding language
I don't know, that's why I'm asking, I edited all the scripts with this Editor++ thing