the example from the lesson "Creating a blog" doesn't work right
Hi! I copied the content of the exercise (it looks like this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/340141739543363586/615576214433955880/unknown.png ) and pasted it in a text editor to save it as "example.html", then I opened it with Chrome to see the result, but it showed this: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/340141739543363586/615576040269676574/unknown.png I don't get it.
5 Antworten
+ 3
The code for the blog does not consist of HTML alone.
I think you either forgot to copy the CSS part of the code, or you included it in a wrong way.
+ 3
Further to Shadow's explanation, here are the steps:
read page 2 or page 3.
page 2 is easier to apply.
Gordon, your link leads me to an error 404.
Shadow, it is highly probable, now you say it, it's logical. I don't know, I'm just starting and on the code playground you don't see the title of the page... I wanted to see if it worked...
Don't let it bother you, Céline Dardenne. If you copy and paste the HTML part of the code below instead, it should look just like the blog from the example:
Question is solved
You forgot to add your CSS.