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I cannot run the exampleprogram.java created using notepad.
7 Antworten
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if u have installed the jdk u can compile it opening ur cmd, going to the directory that u saved ur file in and then execute command "javac filename.java" to compile it, to run it u just do "java filename"
+ 2
cd Documents, press enter
javac exampleprogram.java, press enter
java exampleprogram, press enter
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did u compile it?
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i cannot compile nothing happens when i try to compile. How to compile?
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i have saved it in c:\Users\HP\Documents\ExampleProgram.java
but the cmd itself opens with c:\Users\HP> how to compile can u help
when you open cmd.. type
cd Documents and press enter..
and then compile the java program.. using javac ExampleProgram.java and finally use java ExampleProgram
error occured says class names,'MyClass',are only accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested