+ 10
I still don't understand how programming work?
I am stress with Swift loop, Python loop and stuff... the ++ and -- sign is so confusing
37 Antworten
+ 24
Duplicate IT
++ means "keep adding"
-- means "keep subtracting"
if i = 1,
And we want to keep adding 1, then we'll say,
i becomes 2 [i.e. i = 2]
i ++ again
i will now become 3 [i.e. i = 3]
And that's how it goes on...
If we want to add 3,
It will be: i += 3 (or i = i + 3)
So if i = 0;
And we say, i += 3, then i will be 0 + 3 which is 3.
i += 3 again
...will give you 3 + 3 = 6.
i += 3 again
...will give you 6 + 3 = 9.
i += 3 again
...will give you 9 + 3 = 12.
And it keeps going that way forever...
+ 8
++ is used to increase/increment the value of a variable by 1. In other words, it adds 1 to the variable. -- subtracts 1 from a variable. Loops are used for repetition.
+ 4
Please note that ++ and -- are not available in Python.
Edit: oh I realise you may be using Swift.
+ 4
V F This is for you.
+ 4
1. ++ increment
2. -- decrement
There are two types of increment(++) and decrement(--) operator : -
(i) pre increment
(ii) post increment
(i) pre increment increment the values first then assign to variable.
Ex: -
int i =7;
System.out.println(++i); // printing the variable in java
O/p - 8
Here, i is incremented first by 1 and then printed so became 8
Pre Decrement
System.out.println(--i); // printing the variable in java
O/p - 6
Here, i is Decremented first by 1 and then printed so became 6
(ii) Post Increment is assign tge value to variable first then incremented by 1.
int i=7;
System.out.println(i++); // printing statement in java
O/p - 7
Here, i is printed first then assigned to variable i if we print i variable again it will print 8.
Post decrement assign the value first then decremented by 1 same as post increment
Ex :-
int i = 8;
O/p - 8
Here, variable i printed first then incremented On printing i again
System.out.println(i); o/p- 9
+ 4
Hopefully, by now you understand 😊
+ 4
👑Duplicate IT💫⚘🌚 (Storm Me)
I can understand your problem. You are unable to understand how programming work, it means there is something wrong with your C basics. You can improve it by first clearing the basics of C and then moving to other programming languages.
+ 3
++ increases the value by 1 and not by 2.
+ 3
+ 3
Those are binary operators requiring two operands e.g. a and b.
print(a+b) # gives 3
print(a-b) # gives -1
+ 3
i+=3 is the same as saying i=i+3.
+ 3
BTW, when using i+=3, note that the operator is += and not just +
+ 3
It will be 3 more than what it was before the statement.
+ 3
Just read it all slowly again
+ 3
At start it will seem little bit confusing, but when you start praticing you will start to understand the concept behind it and then you can talk with your computer.
+ 2
Sonic so what is single plus? + or -
+ 2
Sonic where did u see the +i or i+
Like i+ = 3, i dont remember, but it like that
Can you explain?
+ 2
Sonic so what is the value of i, if i = i+3😂