How do I remove script tags from html?
HTML, JavaScript
4 Antworten
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most likely you are infected with a virus, check your device antivirus or uninstall and reinstall the browser
+ 1
Your machine likely infected by virus as Ярослав Вернигора (Yaroslav Vernigora) pointed.
Meantime if you want to disable javascript run from Chrome browser, you could go to address
To disable javascript.
Simply delete it and save your webpage
Sorry, I should have elaborated but it's late and I'm sleepy: the script was injected into my browser maliciously and caused me to lose basically all functionality (it caused the landing page of the wifi network I'm using not to render, making me not able to sign in, so for all intents and purposes it's useless). I tried deleting it in dev mode but I don't know how to permanently delete it so that the page loads when I refresh instead of just loading the page with the script in it again.