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How do i develop tenacity in order not to forget the codes I learn?
8 Antworten
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Eric Ofori Tetteh Kwabena It's less about remembering codes you write and more about developing your intuition for logical thinking and learning the language syntax well enough to express that logic flow in imperative statements.
It's that last part that most learners get stuck on for a while. Imperative statements are about controlling the flow of logic, based on inputs or event triggers. Logic flow involves boolean conditions, loops, functions receiving inputs and returning outputs or just doing some action. While it feels like an insane amount to learn, the concepts progressively build on themselves.
So... you just need to commit to learning some basics, practice on those basics until they feel natural. Then move onto the next thing.
Before you know it, your rate of learning is accelerating and you're picking up new concepts faster than you can imagine at the moment.
Again, don't worry about memorizing the code you write. Focus on developing your intuition for the logic flow.
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Also, here is a good article to address many of your beginner challenges:
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Damn, David Carroll, literally *every* sololearner should read that article!
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By being prolific ,you build more muscle memory
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I see
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Coding is about developing an intuitive approach to solving problems - it allows you to break problems up into very small steps.
Not every problem will have the same steps though, so don't stress about learning things off by heart.
Write the same codes everyday.
Practice. And save your projects for the future, it cant be helped that we forget things, but it's good as long we know where we can remember them