+ 2
How to make this code work properly
i =[7,8,0,5,3,1] while True: print(i) if i ==0: continue Guys can anyone tell me how to make this code work properly I want the program to print i 7 8 5 3 1 With skipping 0 I don't know how and it prints the whole list instead of just the integrals
5 Antworten
+ 6
The code needs some improvement:
- use for loop instead of while
- print() has to be after if ... statement
i =[7,8,0,5,3,1]
#while True:
for x in i:
if x ==0:
+ 5
here a solution with a while loop and an other one with a for loop. also some comments for you.
+ 3
Your list is named i.
So if you print(i), you'll print that list.
You have to index your list (using []) to print a single element, or loop over the list directly, using a for loop.
+ 2
<i> is a list, so when you do
Of course the whole list is printed.
You need to refer to the desired list element by their index,
Remember indices in iterables (including list) starts with zero, so above example prints the first list element (value 7).
It would have been a lot easier had you used for-loop instead of while-loop. Also note that `while True` is not a practical or preferred loop for iterating an iterable (e.g. a list).
+ 1
You must write "print(i)", after if clause