7 Antworten
+ 3
Go to your front page of sololearn and look for the "learn" tab.
Tap on that, and look for "Code Coach" which will offer you a number of challenges ranging from easy to difficult, for you to practice your skills.
The community will help you if you get stuck on a problem.
Just post your attempt with your question.
Have fun
+ 2
I'm not good at Python, so I'm not really in the position to give any advices, but that's how I would most likely be able to memorize stuff, by making scripts (I call them programs😓), just try and make scripts that seem complex to you, for me something complex in Python would be those double back slashes (\\).
+ 2
Okay thanks
+ 1
Well, I guess you could try making programs but only using your knowledge. Like a simple calculator or try to recreate built in functions like split.
+ 1
making Programs??I don't even know where to start. Help out
+ 1
I Can't find the "Code Coach" i only see "Code Challenges" ...
That's them.
Good place to start.
Have fun