My JavaScript course language turned Russian. How to revert to English?
I've completed the majority of the JavaScript course in English. Today I've logged in and the language has switched to Russian for some odd reason. My settings are in English, every other course is still in English. Only the JavaScript course is in Russian. How do I switch it back to English without losing progress?
2 Antworten
+ 3
Moudi Kawi it appears the issue has been resolved. Please let me know if you are still having trouble. Thank you for your patience.
+ 2
Some people had spoken somewhat similar language related issues. I don't know why or how it happens, nor do I know a definite answer. But rest assure your learning progress will not be altered by change of language, I tried it once, and my progress were intact. Except there is a change in how they store users progress recently, I think you need not to worry.