+ 5
Why it is not animate on mobile?
11 Antworten
+ 4
ROHAN Syed Ahmed Raza Shah Browsers and css specifications are evolved in time and its logic to think than not all css properties are avaible on all browsers... animation (and relative props) is one of kind. Some browsers get initial support to them with prefixed props (like -webkit-animation) but all depends by browser... At example on chrome runned on android 4.x, animation is supported only throught the prefix version but on android 5 support for unprefix version also exists... This dont mean than on android 4.x you cannot use unprefixed version of "animation" (with firefox mobile it will be recognized) but it mean than default browsers on android 4.x (and many other browsers for same os) use same browser engine than not has full support for all css props...
See here https://caniuse.com/#feat=css-animation
+ 6
Code perfectly run 👌 for me
+ 5
If you said loading progress bar.. then i said i am using mobile and looking fine..
+ 3
Scooby but it is not animate on mobile?
+ 2
+ 2
Syed Ahmed Raza Shah Probably you runned it on a browser than not support animation without prefix... try to replace in css every "animation:..." with "-webkit-animation:..." and every "@keyframes..." with "@-webkit-keyframes..."
+ 2
animate does not work in my mobile too,,,
what can i do now???
+ 2
ROHAN open in your pc laptop
+ 2
ROHAN i don't know
+ 1
It's working wel here
+ 1
@Syed Ahmed Raza Shah
it works in pc . but not in mobile why??