+ 2

How do I upload my website on the internet using my smartphone?

I've created a website using a code editor on my smartphone. What do I do upload it in the internet. Im currently using repl and made this https://sajidsource.sajid1500.repl.co/. Pls help. Thanks in advance

29th Jan 2020, 8:18 PM
Sajid - avatar
36 Antworten
+ 4
Yes, but you need to switch to Desktop view in your browser. Step 1: Create github account. Step 2: Create repository, upload your files Step 3: (where you need desktop view), go to setting of the repository, scroll down, at Github Page, choose it. Desktop view, if using Chrome, is at three-dot menu, tick that box beside desktop view, it will refresh the page and the github webpage display will change from mobile to desktop view.
30th Jan 2020, 10:08 AM
Gordon - avatar
30th Jan 2020, 6:04 AM
Gordon - avatar
30th Jan 2020, 12:44 PM
Calviղ - avatar
+ 2
You have to upload ur files to the web server. This can be done through a web based administrator tool or ftp. Both possible from ur smartphone normally. U might have to install a ftp client app.dont know if there is seth. Special on netifly. Don't know it.
29th Jan 2020, 8:53 PM
Oma Falk
Oma Falk - avatar
+ 2
sajid chowdhury Yes you can do. Just open domain providers website in your mobile browser.
29th Jan 2020, 9:30 PM
A͢J - avatar
+ 2
Use termux
30th Jan 2020, 12:11 PM
Calviղ - avatar
+ 2
Convert into zip
31st Jan 2020, 7:33 PM
Mustinsar Saeed
Mustinsar Saeed - avatar
+ 1
Make zip off all fiels essential of website like html css js and open domain name provider / hosting provider website and login it, open cpanel in thier website next open file manager and upload zip file in file manager and extract it That's it all are done
30th Jan 2020, 5:02 PM
kishan Kumar
kishan Kumar - avatar
+ 1
Go to domain provides website using google chrom n make it desktop view.
31st Jan 2020, 2:47 AM
Milon - avatar
+ 1
Who is your hosting provider
31st Jan 2020, 4:29 AM
kishan Kumar
kishan Kumar - avatar
+ 1
Like GoDaddy, hostinger ,hostgotar,
31st Jan 2020, 4:30 AM
kishan Kumar
kishan Kumar - avatar
+ 1
It's depends on hosting provider website
31st Jan 2020, 4:33 AM
kishan Kumar
kishan Kumar - avatar
31st Jan 2020, 4:34 AM
kishan Kumar
kishan Kumar - avatar
+ 1
Buy web hosting and domain for uploading your website on your internet
31st Jan 2020, 12:43 PM
Mohd Alquama
Mohd Alquama - avatar
+ 1
This is a difficult way! Don't possibly try if you are not a professional Download and Install nodejs. https://nodejs.org/en/download/ Download and install git and sign in to it https://git-scm.com/downloads Go to https://heroku.com and create account Open cmd/PowerShell Type the following two commands npm i http-server -g npm i heroku -g And then go to your project/website folder. Create a folder named 'website' Move all website files to that folder Open cmd/Powershell in that directory. Run the following command. git init npm init -y echo web:http-server website >Procfile heroku create website-subdomain-name git add . git commit -m "ready to host" git push heroku master Your app is created now at https://website-subdomain-name.herokuapp.com/
31st Jan 2020, 2:22 PM
Sarthak - avatar
+ 1
Vinit Agivale thanks for your question, you can consider repository as a "folder" of your github account. Once you register at github, you'll be guided to create your first repository, you can try copying one of your sololearn web codes to github repository, and see if you can create your own github page website.
31st Jan 2020, 3:36 PM
Gordon - avatar
+ 1
You need to have apps that FTP enabled in, like Textastic or Buffer
31st Jan 2020, 3:44 PM
Teka - avatar
+ 1
You can use hosting services Some of them are free eg. freewha.com etc...
31st Jan 2020, 3:52 PM
Shebin Sam
Shebin Sam - avatar
+ 1
You need create website using html , css, java then you need to buy a domain for your site from goddady.......
31st Jan 2020, 5:32 PM
Manoj - avatar