Copying one string to another ignoring some characters.
Hello Everyone, The idea is to get a user input in the form of a string representing a money amount like “$1,234,567.45" and then copy it into another char array ignoring the "
quot; sign and the "commas". I am not sure what is probably wrong with this code. your reply means alot. Code: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main() { string Money; char Mon[50]; cin>>Money; for (int i=1; i<Money.length();i++) { cout<<Money.at(i); if (Money[i] != '\44') { Mon[i]=Money[i]; } else {} } cout<<Mon; return 0; }3 Antworten
+ 8
Imagine, if comma found at index 6 but, your character array Mon[50] have already stored only 3 elements but, it will skip to index "i" and stores given value, this is what mistake you did.
Make saparate variable to assign values to another array.
int index = 0;
for(size_t i = 0; i<M.length(); i++){
Mon[index] = M[i];
// & then, increase the value of "index" for next element to store.
Hope this helps!
+ 1
thank you very much.
I haven't used it in c++ yet however what you're looking for is Regular Expression or RegEx
In java (for example) you can filter out symbols, letters or numbers using regex
String reg = "$600.77";
String out =
reg.replaceAll("[$ \.]", "");
Try this link: