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Convert RGB into CMYK color. How to write progarm in C language
In digital world coors are specified in RGB format,with values of R,G,B varying on integer scale from 0 to 255. In print publising the colors are mentioned in Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Black(CMYK)format with values of C,M,Y and K varying on a real scale from 0.0 to 1.0. Write a program that converts RGB color to CMYK as per formulae: White=Max(red/255,green/255,blue/255) Cyan=(white-red/255)/white Magenta=(white-green/255)/white Yellow=(white-blue/255)/white Black=1-white Note that if the RGB values are all 0,then the CMY values are all 0 and the K value is 1.
3 Antworten
+ 5
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float R,G,B;
float C,M,Y,K,W,Rf,Gf,Bf,max;
printf("Enter the values of R,G & B: ");
if (R<0||R>255)
printf("Enter R within limit\n");
if (G<0||G>255)
printf("Enter G within limits\n");
if (B<0||B>255)
printf("Enter B within limits\n");
printf("\nR,G,B: %f,%f,%f\n",R,G,B);
if (R == 0 && G == 0 && B == 0)
printf("\nThe value of Cyan: 0\n");
printf("\nThe value of Magenta: 0\n");
printf("\nThe value of Yellow: 0\n");
printf("\nThe value of Black: 1\n");
Rf = R / 255;
Gf = G / 255;
Bf = B / 255;
max = Rf;
if (max<Gf)
max = Gf;
if (max<Bf)
max = Bf;
W = max;
printf("\nWhite: %f\n\n", W);
C = (W-Rf)/W;
M = (W-Gf)/W;
Y = (W-Bf)/W;
K = 1- W;
printf("The value of Cyan: %f\n", C);
printf("The value of Magenta: %f\n", M);
printf("The value of Yellow: %f\n", Y);
printf("The value of Black: %f\n", K);