+ 31
Why I'm not able to storm some one in SoloLearn ? Although I don't have any ongoing challenges pending .
Actually, I had noticed a couple of times . That I can't storm that person , but that same person sends me challenges at the same time . but , where as it shows Limit reached to me . Also, I don't have alot of pending ongoing challenges, but about 15 challenges . Note :- The another person is not turned off the weapon .
35 Antworten
+ 21
it means that the person you mention opened till limit reached but didn't send them right away. from what i understand the weapon (language) is opened on that user's profile
+ 14
Scooby if you properly read my question .
I'm not asking on when is the limit of challenges
Or How many number of challenges per day .
Note :-
I'm asking that, why I'm not able to Send challenges to some one, where as at the same time the same person sends me at that time ( where as I didn't have any ongoing limit ) .
I hope now you got my point
+ 13
⚡FLASH⚡ & ⏳ D Sʜᴀʜ ⏳
Yes, you're Absolutely right !
The possibility is he opened all the challenges, but cant send at the moment .
+ 12
MiKoLa🌐🛐🆖🎁🔥 yes I'm serious about this question !
And it happens alot of times with notqueued !!
+ 12
Farhanaz 🌟
Only 2 cases are possible here:
➡️ Either that person has locked the weapons (so, only he or she could send you)
➡️ Or that person has reserved challenges.
In both cases you can't send out storm.
+ 10
You will expect many organised stormers like NQ to plan ahead of time the storms for the professionals like Farhanaz 🌟 who will always respond and clear all pending without delay. It means you are very reliable and effective 😂😂😂
+ 10
notqueued thanks for that. What is the main advantage of doing that?
+ 9
the thing is: in the days that i know i can play i open till lr, i stack like 10-12 storms sometimes, and then i send them when i get that window of free time. what Aya Alkayem is describing is that the challenges were opened with bigger gapes in time between them (i. e. from minutes to even hours). that's why i like to open them fast and after that send them, in this way after the cooldown expires i have all of them at the ready
+ 9
🇮🇳Omkar🕉 yes , I does the same thing to 👑 Tchybooxuur! !!
I storm him in python , where as my weapon is turned off in python...!
Note :-
But my question is
I cannot not not not able to send the challenges to "x person" , at "t" time in html .
But "x" is sending challenges me at "t" time in html weapon .
+ 9
Don't know why DishaAhuja and Iswer mentioned 20 or 25 challenges per person?
notqueued bro..isn't it 15 for everyone that we know and have been playing?🤔🧐
+ 9
let's shed some light over the limits regarding challenges.
you have two limits:
-between two players (one to one)
-when you send to other players, it's known amongst the challengers (stormers) as outgoing limit reached (one to many)
one to one:
1 challenge has an individual cooldown of 24 hours
a limit of 15 challenges is in that timeframe (i. e. 24 hours)
one to many:
the same from one to one applies but it has extra limit
you can't open more than 45 challenges within a timeframe of 30 or 45 minutes
pending challenges:
i couldn't find a limit for receiving challenges, but there's a limit on displaying challenges. challenges opened by the user have the highest priority, then the received but not completed (aka pending), then the completed/expired/declined.
this is the situation at the date that i posted the answer. it may change in the future as sololearn staff sees fit.
+ 8
it means that the person you mention opened till limit reached but didn't send them right away. from what i understand the weapon (language) is opened on that user's profile
Copied from: notqueued ✌️
+ 8
⚡FLASH⚡ yes true... but only that person can send you challenges with weapons closed
+ 8
notqueued could you explain what you mean by stacking challenges to send them later?
+ 8
🔸Here there is about 45 challenges as an ongoing challenges limit !
And you didnt got my point !
🔸I would like to say that, there is not a limit that shows 20 ongoing challenges per an hour !!
🔸I used to challenge daily . And I didn't got this situation related !!
🔸May the answer of the thread(q/A) is based on previous Challenges & previous Xp Mode !!!
note :- That ain't based on today's real time situation !!
+ 7
i find it funny how the culprit gave the answer 🤣
+ 7
Some sort of "Karma thing" going on you might say... 😅😅😅
Only for those that believe in karma.
+ 7
I have all my weapons disabled but I can still challenge anyone who have their weapons enabled.
That's pretty straight forward , no wonder.
+ 6
Thanks Mr Moderator. Swift response here... 👍🏼
But please allow your Dawgs feel animated for once like it's Scooby doo!
+ 6
Uninstall sololearn and restart your mobile...
OR sign out in sololearn and again sign in..