Beetle type game in c++
I need help with a game I'm trying to make that is supposed to work like the game beetle? I don't know where to start really. How do you make a random number generator to resemble a six sided die, how do i use the enter key to roll another die. This is what the game should include: Can-cells have the following body parts 1. Body, quantity 1 2. Head, quantity 1 3. Wings, quantity 4 4. Legs, quantity 6 5. Eyes, quantity 2 6. Tail, quantity 1 Can-cell body parts must be collected in the following order 1. The body must be acquired first. 2. The head must be acquired before the eyes. 3. Legs, tail and wings can be acquired anytime after the body. The die values map to body parts as follows (how do i map out the numbers of the die to the body parts) 1. Body 2. Head 3. Wing 4. Leg 5. Eye 6. Tail also how do I keep track of both players inventory as well as rounds played? Like this: ************************** Welcome to Can-cell ************************** ################ Round # 1 Hit enter to roll die: Player one roll is BODY --------------------- Player 1 Inventory Body: 1 Head: 0 Eye: 0 Wing: 0 Leg: 0 Tail: 0 Player two roll is TAIL, must have BODY first --------------------- Player 2 Inventory Body: 0 Head: 0 Eye: 0 Wing: 0 Leg: 0 Tail: 0