10 Antworten
+ 2
Try Popsicles from Code Coach
+ 2
Ira Sarkar
• For learning, search beginner courses on YOUTUBE.
• Download PYDROID on mobile to get started with using python yourself. Download Visual Studio on a computer if you want to code on computer.
• Try challenges here on Code Coach.
• After you have learned about functions, you can go to edabit.com which is a fantastic site for solving challenges.
+ 2
Ira Sarkar go to the homepage of this app, rhere you will find under courses, Code Coach, which is a section for challenges to increase xp and skills.
+ 2
Search"Mosh" on youtube download his 6 hours python video ......thats all you have to do...
After that you will be not called a newbie ...
But dont complete the video in a day .....
Ira Sarkar
Check it out.
And yeah, courses on SoloLearn are great too.
Thanks maf
How to use code coach
I don't understand 😅 Gordon
Ira Sarkar np