Help me fix the output to print only the first line pls


30th Mar 2020, 7:44 AM
5 Antworten
+ 1
OMG! Thank you so much!!!
30th Mar 2020, 11:32 AM
+ 1
It's okay, TYSM!
30th Mar 2020, 11:40 AM
The question is "COVID-19 Infection Rate Problem   In a country called Cornistan, a new coronavirus, COVID-19, is spreading rapidly. According to a recent study by a virologist, the number of people infected with the virus doubles every six days. However, it is spreading rapidly because the government and the people have not taken any action and ignored it. Taking measures against the spread of this virus from day 6 * k will reduce the spread rate by m every 6 days (2-m), (2-2m), and so on. If you were the first N to be infected with the virus, then you were asked to write a code that would estimate the total number of people infected in Cornistan after O days. To calculate this distribution, the following method is used.
30th Mar 2020, 8:15 AM
For example, you are given N = 3000 infected people, O = 12 days, k = 1, m = 0.2. After the first 6 days, the number of infected people increases to 2N = 6000. From this 6th day, k = 1, the government and the people will take m measures to reduce the spread, and on the 12th day it will be multiplied by (2-m) = 1.8 times compared to the 6th day and will increase to 1.8 (6000) = 10800. On the 18th day, (2-0.2 * 2) 10800 = 17280 and so on.   1. This distribution is assumed to increase linearly every 6 days. 2. If the rate of spread decreases by m every 6 days and becomes <= 1, the spread is considered to have stopped and the number of people infected with the virus will remain constant from this date.
30th Mar 2020, 8:16 AM
Жишээ оролт/гаралтууд: Input: 3000 3 0 0 Output: 4500 Input: 3000 12 1 0.2 Output: 10800 Input: 3000 18 1 0.2 Output: 17280
30th Mar 2020, 8:18 AM