How I Get data from of form for show in a table
For example if i getting data of a input with this code Function getdata(){ var Nam = document.getElementById("name").value; var Email = document.getElementById("mail").value; var Age = document.getElementById("ages").value; Validate(name,mail,ages); } Function validate (name,mail,ages){ if(name==''){ alert("write your name"); Event.preventDefault(); if(mail==''){ alert("write your name"); Event.preventDefault(); if(ages==''){ alert("write your name"); Event.preventDefault(); }
3 Antworten
What should happen when 'Nam', 'Email' and 'Age' are not empty?
Also where is the table?
Ipang suppose that Name, email and age get the data that the user writing in a different input then I want put those data in a table
I'm thinking to assign IDs to some <td> in the table. And when inputs are valid you can use `getElementById` to refer a desired <td> for name, e-mail and age, respectively. You then adjust the desired <td> `innerHTML` attribute, or just the textContent.