Rock-paper-scissors game
Actually, I am trying to create a Python script that will take a 10 user input(rock/paper/scissors). and the computer will use random. choice fund. to play with the user. and on basis of the user-input , there will be points like user-input and cpu-points. I want the code to stop at when user-points or cpu-points or cpu-points+user-points are equle to 10. Problem: I am getting an error on while loop. here's my code: import random print(''' WELCOME TO THE GAME ''') a = ["rock", "paper", "sicors"] def play(x,y): x = random.choice(a) y = input("Please type your MOVE(rock, paper, sicors) > ") userpoints ="" cpupoints = "" boy = userpoints or cpupoints or userpoints + cpupoints while int(boy) < 11: x = random.choice(a) y = input("Please type your MOVE(rock, paper, sicors) > ") if x == "rock" and y == "paper": userpoints = 0 cpupoints = 1 elif x == "paper" and y == "rock": userpoints = 1 cpupoints = 0 elif x == "sicors" and y == "paper": userpoints = 1 cpupoints = 0 elif x == "paper" and y == "sicors": userpoints = 0 cpupoints = 1 elif x == "rock" and y == "sicors": userpoints = 1 cpupoints = 0 elif x == "sicors" and y == "rock": userpoints = 0 cpupoints = 1 elif x == y: userpoints = 0 cpupoints = 0 else: print("please input a valid Char!") break play(print("here we go:\n"),random.choice(a)) #print("userpoints: "+str(userpoints),"cpu: "+str(cpupoints))