CSS, BrainF*ck etc. Are they programming languages?
I think BrainF*ck is a programming language since Logo basic is considered as one. Also, CSS has functions and variables. So my question is if there is a clear definition if what a programming language is. I want to know if it is advised in a professional environment to call css, brainf*ck or turtle logo programming languages MY CONCLUSION By standard definitions of programming languages. CSS, HTML, BrainF*ck etc are computer programming languages. But there are still other definitions that rules out this languages. For example, the criterion of Turing completeness. So it is not generally accepted to consider some computer languages as programming languages See these https://mortoray.com/2019/02/11/of-course-html-is-a-programming-language/ https://tylermcginnis.com/imperative-vs-declarative-programming/ https://notlaura.com/css-is-a-programming-language https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_language